telsoft dynamic operating system:: boot sucessful
current operation- archive display
archaic .xpp file format decrypted
FILE DESCRIPTION: text files sent between solar and proxima centurai systems, starting stardate 23/12/3023. adressed like traditional letters, sent between two people.
REASON FOR ARCHIVING: shit. i need a reason? i think everything deserves to be archived. if someone felt the need to make it then i feel the need to keep it alive. whatever.
COMMAND: please be concise, archivist 676.
RESPONSE: sorry boss.
REASON FOR ARCHIVING: unconventional use of format. socially, technically, does not make sense. exists regardless. indomitable.
FILE "letter to the girl i found.xpp" CONTENTS:
I read your poem. It was great. It's amazing that someone so far away has pondered the same things as me. It's amazing how a different life lead to the same thoughts. How it's almost the same life. And the places where your ideas diverge from mine make me think, it's amazing that someone who's lived the same life and felt the same things can think different things of them. It's a shame you're so far away. Four light years. 4.2465, to be precise. see you then, I suppose. I'll be twenty, then.